Journal Of Psychology, Counseling And Education <p><strong>Journal Of Psychology, Counseling And Education</strong> is a journal published by the Lecturer Association of the Faculty of Religion of Islam Indramayu which focuses on the dissemination and development of the Guidance and Counseling field. Specifically, the scope of publication of this journal is as follows: Crisis Counseling, Multicultural Counseling, Special Population Counseling, Educational Psychology, Psychoeducation, Career Guidance and Counseling, Early Childhood Guidance and Counseling, Family Guidance and Counseling, Administration and Supervision of Guidance and Counseling, Technical Approach and Counseling, Media in Guidance and Counseling, Management and Evaluation of Guidance and Counseling, Information and Communication Technology in Guidance and Counseling</p> Perkumpulan Dosen Fakultas Agama Islam Indramayu en-US Journal Of Psychology, Counseling And Education 3026-5525 The Relationship Between Self-Efficacy And Academic Stress In High School Students <p>This research aims to investigate the role of education in students' lives and development, as well as the impact of academic stress on their mental well-being and learning outcomes. The research approach used is a literature study, which involves searching and analysing literature from various sources such as books, journals and related research. The results showed that university students often face academic stress. This research reveals the importance of self-efficacy or self-belief in coping with academic stress. The results showed that individuals with high levels of self-efficacy are more likely to be able to manage academic stress and remain motivated in achieving academic goals. The existence of a positive relationship between self-efficacy and academic stress levels highlights the importance of developing self-efficacy as a key strategy in dealing with academic stress. This research also highlights the need for appropriate support and strategies to help students manage academic stress, with the aim of improving the learning process and reducing its negative impact.</p> Wilda Deliana Harahap Firman Mohd Nazri Abdul Rahman Netrawati Copyright (c) 2024 Journal Of Psychology, Counseling And Education 2024-06-06 2024-06-06 2 2 65 71 10.58355/psy.v2i2.23 Dynamics of Career Choice in High School: The Role of Personal Interests and Family Socio-Economic Status <p>The career selection process is one of the most crucial decisions in a person's life. This decision shapes the direction their life will take. Career selection is also an inevitable part of the social aspect that influences individuals after passing through certain developmental stages. This research delves into the factors influencing high school students in choosing their careers. Based on Donal Super's theory, there are internal factors (such as interests and talents) and external factors (such as family influence and socioeconomic status) that impact an individual's career choice. Through a literature-based approach and data analysis from various sources, this study underscores the complexity of the interaction among these factors in students' career decisions. With a profound understanding, educational institutions and parents can provide appropriate guidance, help students recognize their interests and talents, and consider environmental influences, thereby opening avenues for career development aligned with students' potential.</p> Lika Widiawati Firman Netrawati Mohd Nazri Abdul Rahman Copyright (c) 2024 Journal Of Psychology, Counseling And Education 2024-06-06 2024-06-06 2 2 72 78 10.58355/psy.v2i2.22 Generating Hope in Group Counseling Through the Meaning of Life in Middle School Adolescents <p>Adolescence is a transition period marked by physical, emotional and psychological changes. One of the tasks of teenagers is to accept themselves and have confidence in their abilities. Teenagers need social support at school from teachers and friends. Social support that teenagers can receive directly at school is group counselling activities. In group counselling activities, teenagers can learn about many things together with their teachers and friends. Group counselling as a bridge between students and teachers to discuss problems felt by teenagers. One thing teenager can learn is about generating hope. The hope that teenagers have will make them have enthusiasm in living their days. Hope can be raised by making sense of life. The meaning of life that teenagers understand will make teenagers feel useful. The desire for a meaningful life that drives a person to want himself to be a valuable person for himself and in society. The meaning of life begins with a vision of life, hope and is the reason why individuals must continue to live.</p> Melva Syahrial Neviyarni S Netrawati Copyright (c) 2024 Journal Of Psychology, Counseling And Education 2023-06-06 2023-06-06 2 2 79 87 10.58355/psy.v2i2.25 Implementation of Gestalt Counseling on Self-Disclosure in Group Counseling for Victims of Sexual Harassment <p>This article discusses the implementation of existential counseling in overcoming trauma in victims of sexual harassment, where we know that currently cases of sexual harassment in the last few years have increased and have had a very painful impact on victims and have left a condition of prolonged trauma. The trauma resulting from sexual harassment results in psychological impacts. Victims of sexual violence and harassment will experience deep trauma and physical impacts. Violence and sexual abuse of children are the main factors in the transmission of Sexually Transmitted Diseases (STDs), and have social impacts. Victims of sexual violence and harassment are often ostracized in social life, something that should be avoided because victims definitely need motivation and moral support to get back on their feet in life. These problems that occur need to be resolved so that they do not interfere with daily life. This article also discusses existential counseling as a strategy for overcoming trauma in victims of bullying including the concept of trauma, sexual harassment, signs of sexual harassment, the impact of sexual harassment, basic theories and principles of views on human nature, the existential counseling process, the goals of existential counseling, the function and role of the counselor, the role of the client in the counseling relationship, the relationship between the counselor and the client in the counseling process, counseling procedures and techniques as well as the implementation of existential counseling in overcoming the trauma of victims of sexual harassment. The method used is a literature review with critical analysis of research being conducted on a specific topic.</p> Robbi Asri Neviyarni S Netrawati Rendy Amora Copyright (c) 2024 Journal Of Psychology, Counseling And Education 2023-06-06 2023-06-06 2 2 88 99 10.58355/psy.v2i2.24 Readiness and Diagnosis in Counseling and Psychotherapy <p>Readiness is an important factor in the success of the counseling process. In counseling there are several factors that influence the counselor's readiness including; concept abilities/strengths and in giving/receiving information about oneself. Methods for preparing clients: discussing specifically the importance of carrying out counseling on problems experienced by clients, motivating clients to look for/contact institutions/agents who can provide assistance related to the problems they are experiencing, making referrals/handovers in cases where the problems they face require professional assistance. specifically, providing information related to client problems, motivating clients to take specific "education" and intensify problems. In the medical world, diagnosis means finding a hypothesis from the observed symptoms, not much different from that definition. Diagnosis in counseling aims to make a temporary hypothesis about the problem experienced by the client. This can be observed through the client's behavior, expressions, explanation of the problems they are experiencing. With a hypothesis, the counselor can more easily understand the client so that he finds the right technique/method to alleviate the client's problems and direct the client's independence.</p> Sekar Kurnia Rahmadani Mudjiran Yeni Karneli Copyright (c) 2024 Journal Of Psychology, Counseling And Education 2024-06-26 2024-06-26 2 2 100 106 10.58355/psy.v2i2.34 Interpretation and Body Awareness Strategies in Guidance and Counseling Psychology <p>Psychoanalytic counseling aims to help individuals interpret facts, deepen the meaning of life values ​​personally, socially, now and in the future. Psychoanalytic counseling with interpretation techniques helps individuals to develop mental health, change attitudes and behavior towards good moral development. Interpretation (interpretation) is a skill/technique used by counselors which means or because the client's behavior is interpreted/suspected and understood by communicating it to the client (Supriyo &amp; Mulawarman, 2006). Interpretation also makes clients understand themselves better through the counselor's interpretation (Hariastuti &amp; Darminto, 2007). According to Supriyo &amp; Mulawarman (2006) the purpose of interpretation is to help clients understand themselves better if the client is willing to consider it with an open mind. There are three types of interpretation, namely checking information, single interpretation, multiple interpretation. Meanwhile, Body Awareness techniques include Recognition of the Body and Feelings, Expressing the Anger Dimension, Breathing Methods, Expression, Expressing the Strength Dimension, Expressing the Weakness Dimension, Gendlin Focusing.</p> Putra Suharnadi Mudjiran Yeni Karneli Copyright (c) 2024 Journal Of Psychology, Counseling And Education 2024-06-30 2024-06-30 2 2 107 116 10.58355/psy.v2i2.36 Counseling and Psychotherapy with Couples and Families <p>The aim of this research is to study counseling and psychotherapy in dealing with problems of couples, children, teenagers and families. To achieve this goal, this research uses literature research or literature review methods. This research collects literature from various books and articles related to the subject discussed with the keywords family counseling and psychotherapy. The research results show that the basic problems in counseling and psychotherapy with children, adolescents, couples and families are being able to achieve accurate communication, handle feelings of dependency, collaborate with the whole family, and help clients realize their need for help. For children, the main goal of counseling and psychotherapy in the form of individual and group therapy is to help them achieve a strong ego so that they can overcome environmental demands and their own inner stress.</p> Maulida Fitri Yeni Karneli Mudjiran Copyright (c) 2024 Journal Of Psychology, Counseling And Education 2024-06-30 2024-06-30 2 2 117 133 10.58355/psy.v2i2.39 Interpretation Strategy and Awareness of the Counselor's Body Attitude in the Counseling Process <p>The success of a counseling process is largely influenced by the competence of the counselor Confidentiality must be respected by the counselor during and after the counseling session. Without the consent of the counselee, a counselor is not allowed to disclose the results of the therapy session to a third party. A counselor has violated the code of ethics of the guidance and counseling profession if he/she does not maintain the confidentiality of information or conversations of the counselee during the counseling process. Moreover, this may jeopardize the counselor's job. Therefore, this study concentrates on body awareness and interpretation techniques as one of the counseling approaches for both individuals and groups.</p> Indah Wijayanti Mudjiran Yeni Karneli Copyright (c) 2024 Journal Of Psychology, Counseling And Education 2024-06-30 2024-06-30 2 2 134 145 10.58355/psy.v2i2.41 Characteristics and Qualities that Counselors Must Have <p>The personal characteristics of a competent counselor can help build a strong therapeutic relationship between the counselor and client, which is a key factor in achieving positive counseling outcomes. Counselors who have good personal qualities can create a safe, open and empathetic environment for clients, so that they feel heard, understood and supported. The method used is literature study, namely collecting data or information from various sources, including books, articles and other sources that are relevant to the topic or problem being researched. The conclusion of this research is that the personal characteristics of a good counselor are the key to creating a supportive environment, understanding clients' individual needs, and encouraging positive change. Counselors who possess these characteristics can provide effective and impactful counseling helping clients achieve their goals and improve their overall well-being.</p> Feni Listari Mudjiran Yeni Karneli Copyright (c) 2024 Journal Of Psychology, Counseling And Education 2024-06-30 2024-06-30 2 2 146 153 10.58355/psy.v2i2.43 Self-Awareness and Self-Reflection on the Counselor's Personal Development <p>By reviewing the literature thoroughly, this study investigates how self-awareness and self-reflection contribute to counselors' personal growth. Two important components, self-awareness and self-reflection, were identified as positively correlated with counseling effectiveness and client satisfaction. Self-awareness helps counselors manage counter-transference and differentiate personal problems from client problems, while self-reflection improves empathy skills and bridges theory with practice. This study shows that both components must be included in the experiential learning cycle and that a person must be in an environment that supports self-exploration. Challenges in this process include psychological discomfort and non-linear developmental patterns. The implication is that counselor education programs need to place greater emphasis on developing self-awareness and reflection skills, including the integration of personal therapy in training. It was concluded that self-awareness and self-reflection are components that lead counselors toward continued professional growth, resulting in not only technical skills but also wisdom in navigating the complexities of the therapeutic relationship.</p> Neni Aprilia Nasyiwa Ramadhin Tri Wulandari Asbi Asbi Copyright (c) 2024 Journal Of Psychology, Counseling And Education 2024-06-30 2024-06-30 2 2 154 161 10.58355/psy.v2i2.38