Journal Of Psychology, Counseling And Education is an open access online scholarly journal. Publish original scientific output and aim to disseminate the results of research conducted by academics, researchers and practitioners in the fields of Psychology, Counseling, Education and related disciplines.
Journal Of Psychology, Counseling And Education contains research papers from researchers, academics, and practitioners. In particular, papers that consider the following general topics:
Social psychology (social psychology)
Clinical psychology and counseling or counseling (clinical psychology and counseling)
Constitutional Psychology
Occupational Psychology
Political Psychology
School Psychology and Education (Psychology for the Classroom and Educational psychology)
developmental psychology
Personality psychology
Cross-Cultural Psychology
Engineering Psychology
Environmental Psychology
Consumer Psychology (Consumer Psychology)
Industrial and Organizational Psychology (Industrial and organizational Psychology)
Guidance and counseling
Islamic Guidance and Counseling
Counseling Education
Field of Social Personal Guidance
Group conseling
Individual Guidance
Study Counseling Guidance
And various studies on the scope of guidance and counseling
Educational Research
Learning at Islamic Boarding Schools
Learning in Schools
Learning in Higher Education
Educational Philosophy
Education curriculum
Education Management
Innovation in Teaching and Learning.
Instructional Media
Learning Model Development
Islamic education
Classroom action research
Teaching Methodology
Educational Psychology
Evaluation and Assessment
Education administration
Teacher Role
Inclusive education
Technology Education
Higher Education and Research
Higher Education System
Higher Education Policy
Research in education
Educational Problems.