About the Journal
Psycoeducation is a combination of word psychology and education.
Using the name Journal Of Psychology, Counseling And Education for the name of the journal means that the articles published are selected articles about psychology, counseling and education that are of good quality and have good weight as a complement to the scientific treasures that are relevant to the focus and scope of discussion, namely Journal Of Psychology, Counseling And Education .
The discussion coverage of Journal Of Psychology, Counseling And Education contains research papers from researchers, academics and practitioners. Specifically, papers that consider the following general topics:
Psychology, including: social psychology, clinical and counseling psychology, constitutional psychology, psychopharmacology, work psychology, Political Psychology, School and Educational Psychology, Developmental Psychology, Personality Psychology, Cross-Cultural Psychology, Engineering Psychology, Environmental Psychology, Consumer Psychology, Industrial and Organizational Psychology.
Counseling, including: Guidance and counselling, Islamic Guidance and Counselling, Counseling Education, Personal Social Guidance, Group Counselling, Individual Guidance, Study Counseling Guidance, and various studies regarding the scope of guidance and counseling.
Education, including: Educational Research, Learning in Islamic Boarding Schools, Learning in Schools, Learning in Higher Education, Educational Philosophy, Educational Curriculum, Educational Management, Innovation in Teaching and Learning, Learning media, Learning Model Development, Islamic Religious Education, Classroom Action Research, Curriculum, Teaching Methodology, Educational Psychology, Evaluation and Assessment, Educational administration, Role of Teachers, Inclusive education, Technology Education, Higher Education and Research, Higher Education System, Higher Education Policy, Research in the field of education,
Problems in Education.